Volunteer Information
Volunteer registration for 2025 coming soon.
If you think you or your group can handle a little more excitement than just cheering – then VOLUNTEER! It takes around 1500 volunteers to make the Buffalo Marathon weekend run smoothly.
Most volunteer opportunities are coordinated through organized groups such as clubs, school or church-related groups, or simply groups of friends who join together to volunteer. Start forming your group today! Groups must be composed of at least 15 people who meet the age requirements listed below.
There are also opportunities for people not associated with a group to assist in any number of marathon areas “as needed” – and your help is greatly appreciated!
Meet the nicest people and receive an "Awesome Volunteer" tech shirt as a thank-you for donating your time at the event. The 6,000 or more "thank you's" you receive from runners are priceless!
Come out and make a difference!
Email our volunteer coordinators by sending an email to volunteer@buffalomarathon.org.
Groups wanting to apply for a grant (i.e. donation) through the Buffalo Marathon Grant Program must download and complete our grant application.
Rules For All Volunteers (Groups and Individuals)
All Buffalo Marathon volunteers must adhere to the rules below. Please do the following:
Register online by clicking the register button.
Monitor the email account you used to register for important communications from your group leader, area coordinator, or other Buffalo Marathon representatives.
If you need to cancel, notify your group leader or area coordinator.
Arrive on time for your volunteer shift, sign in with your group leader or area coordinator, and stay for your entire shift.
If you must leave your shift early, please notify your group leader or area coordinator.
Behave courteously, and follow the directions of your group leader, area coordinator, or other race officials or emergency personnel.
Refrain from using profane, insulting, or offensive language – please remember, you are an ambassador of the Buffalo Marathon!
Refrain from using alcohol, drugs, or tobacco during your volunteer shift.
Child Volunteer Rules:
Children wishing to volunteer must follow the rules below:
Children may not accompany parents/guardians unless they are registered.
Children under the age of 18 wishing to volunteer must be registered as a volunteer by a parent or guardian.
In the interest of safety, each child volunteer between the age of 12-14 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, guardian or responsible adult.
Anyone under the age of 18 may only volunteer in the following areas:
Water Stop
Finish Line
Post-Race Party
Kids Race
5k Race
Packet Pick-up
Where there is no moving traffic
Groups composed primarily of children (for example, high school groups) must be 15 years or older and must have at least ONE responsible adult present for all volunteer shifts.
Rules for Volunteer Groups:
Groups must designate one person who will serve as “leader” for the group (“Group Leader”).
The Group Leader may NOT participate in any Buffalo Marathon race during the time in which his/her group is volunteering (for example, you may not run the Buffalo Marathon or Half Marathon if your group is volunteering for the finish line).
Group Leaders will be responsible for:
Receiving all communications from the Buffalo Marathon
Conveying all information to their group of volunteers
Ensuring that the minimum number of volunteers required are provided (note: the minimum number of volunteers must meet the Buffalo Marathon’s age requirements)
Ensuring that all volunteers are registered through the Buffalo Marathon online registration system
For groups applying for grants through the Buffalo Marathon Volunteer Grant Program: Receiving grants is dependent on providing the minimum number of volunteers required by ensuring that (i) volunteers are registered online and (ii) volunteers check in on the day of the race.